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Help Fund the Arts in Coppell!
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic our annual fundraiser "Art, Sip & Stroll" has been cancelled. Although we are planning a smaller drive in fundraising event proceeds will be significantly less from ticket sells and sponsors. In the FY2021 year CAC has financial needs for the following items that will directly benefit the community:
- $2,500 to Complete the purchase of Red Pony and Six Directions Sculptures to gift to the community.
- $3,500 to host fine art exhibits in the new Coppell Arts Center and make the exhibit available for public viewing.
- $3,600 to purchase supplies for a mural under the Parkway Road Bridge that is used by many residents accessing Andy Brown Park and other area destinations.
- $1,800 to cover the lease of one sculpture in the rotating art exhibit located in Old Town Coppell.
-$ 1,800 to cover the lease of one sculpture in the rotating art exhibit located in Andy Brown Park.
- $1,500 to cover educational art classes and discussions in the new Coppell Arts Center
- $ 500 to finalize a public art app the provides information about the artwork located in and around Coppell. All donations will be used to directly benefit the citizen's of
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