Andy Brown Park Exhibit is a two-year exhibit that begins and ends on even years. The exhibit is funded by a grant from the City of Coppell, Event Sponsorship, Sculpture Sponsors, Individual Donations and from proceeds from Coppell Art Councils Annual Art, Sip & Stroll. We would like to extend a very big thank you to our 2018 sponsors: Frost Bank, The Christi Greene Team, Event Technology Services (ETS) and Alfred, Cathy & Katie Fraser. If you are interested in being a sponsor or making an individual donation click here for more information. If you would like to purchase tickets to the annual Art, Sip & Stroll they can be purchased here. Coppell Arts Council would like to extend its deepest gratitude to Frost bank for Sponsoring the first Art Splash and to Norwex, ETS and the Coppell Rotary Club for sponsoring sculptures in the first Art Splash. Their support has helped us spread this effort to Andy Brown Park

Art Splash is a Biennial Outdoor Art Exhibition that rotates between Old Town Coppell and Andy Brown Park East. In an effort to make public art accessible to the residents of Coppell and surrounding communities the Coppell Arts Council collaborated with the City of Coppell and created a vision for a rotating art exhibit that will bring new sculptures to the area every two years, alternating between the two locations. In 2017 public art was installed in Old Town, ten additional installations will be implemented at Andy Brown in 2018 and new art will be installed at Old Town in 2019, followed by new art in Andy Brown in 2020. Features of this exhibition include an Art Stroll fundraiser and Voting for the People's Choice Award. Vote Now!